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Monday 21 January 2013

Lets catch up - Energy drink research

Last post was 8 Jan the second day of my fast. 12 days ago. I know, I am not consistent  one of my many flaws ( don't judge me we all have them, it is when you admit them that you on the road to recovery LOL)

I think my body is going through a change or something as my weight changes between 94.9Kg and the lowest I reached was 91.7. But as i mentioned in a previous post when you feel down and ill you have problems, and i haven't been feeling well for past few days. - hopefully i can write it off as detoxing-

The good news is I started with my exercises program last week Thursday. I done Zumba 20 min basics and burned 136 kcal and Friday i done Zumba activate (fist time ever) burned 275.9 kcal. Now just to let you know i use a dream sport heart monitor so my kcal is worked out by it.

I havent done enything today so far so tomorows post will all be about today.

In the last week I have been doing research on Herbalifes N-R-G (natural raw gaurana ) vs. energy drinks.
and was pleased to find the following results, and have added it to my daily Herbalife intake.

(½ teaspoon as required – served hot or cold)
Unlike coffee, Guarana is not nervous but acts as reanimarte and refreshes the body and mind. Its component guaranine (for its high content in tannins and fiber), is absorbed slowly and gently through the body. Its stimulant action lasts 4-6 hours without side effects.

The benefits of Guarana.(independent study)
*      Energy in a bottle – excellent memory and vitality booster.
*      Stress reliever and relaxant – excellent results for kids on Ritalin.
*      Great for allergies and hay fever – natural antihistamine.{Astringent Effect}
*      Great for sportsmen/women, shift workers, students, business people.
*      Prevents arteriosclerosis - Hardening of the arteries.
*      Removes fever.
*      Help the proper functioning of the heart.
*      Improves muscle aches and headaches.
*      Stimulates the central nervous system.
*      Increases resistance to physical activity.
*      Reduces inflammation.
*      Delays the ageing.
*      Stimulates reflexes and memory.
*      Regulates gastrointestinal activity.
*      Helps remove stress, fatigue and depression.
*      It is of great support for recovery from illness nursing.

Ingredients: Maltodextrin, orange pekoe tea extract, Guarana seed extract, lemon peel extract, citric acid, caffeine powder.
A  healthier and cheaper solution to energy drinks
Price comparison on 250ml of each

 Let’s assume you drink 18L of energy drink a month, that will calculate between R645.84 –
 R1007.28 where NRG will cost you R 173 that is one major difference.

I personally had a struggle with Energy drinks and boosters I drank a 400ml play or two a day and a huge bottle of Bioplus a week. I was hooked and it was damaging my kidneys. I ended up having a Kidney stone of 1cm x 1.5cm too big for them to shoot with lazar, they had to drill into my kidney. (Combination of all the energy drinks and phedracut and booster this was before Herbalife)

There are claims that after a while some people don’t feel the effect of the NRG anymore, well the explanation is simple. You don’t feel it but it is still working. Your body is repairing itself when you start using Herbalife.  When it has finished this processes it uses the Herbalife to sustain it Making you think it is not working any more  Can a machine do anything different if it is running at its full peak? But what we don’t hear is how they feel after leaving the product for a while and their bodies start craving to be healthy again. Herbalife is not a quick fix but a way of life.

We do not “diagnose” or “cure” any diseases, but when you supply the body with the proper nutrition on a cellular level, the body then has the tools to do amazing things!

For Maximum Results: Use this product in conjunction with other Herbalife products.
For more info or to order Contact me 

Please note that research was done before price increase and the current price is R182 making it R2.50 per 250ML 

Be blessed and be healty

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Day 6/7

So yesterday was the big 30 for me, wasn't that big of a deal. Others make it sound like it is the end of the world.but actual it is the beginning of a new adventure, i am at the foot of a new mountain. getting ready to climb it.

While doing bible study last night God gave me a text that really made my birthday special.

The perfect house wife
Proverbs 31:10-31
 How hard it is to find a capable wife! She is worth far more than jewels!
  Her husband puts his confidence in her, and he will never be poor.
 As long as she lives, she does him good and never harm.
 She keeps herself busy making wool and linen cloth.
She brings home food from out-of-the-way places, as merchant ships do.
 She gets up before daylight to prepare food for her family and to tell her servant women what to do.
She looks at land and buys it, and with money she has earned she plants a vineyard.
 She is a hard worker, strong and industrious.
She knows the value of everything she makes, and works late into the night.
 She spins her own thread and weaves her own cloth.
She is generous to the poor and needy.
 She doesn't worry when it snows, because her family has warm clothing.
She makes bedspreads and wears clothes of fine purple linen.
Her husband is well known, one of the leading citizens.
 She makes clothes and belts, and sells them to merchants.
 She is strong and respected and not afraid of the future.
 She speaks with a gentle wisdom.
 She is always busy and looks after her family's needs.
Her children show their appreciation, and her husband praises her.
 He says, "Many women are good wives, but you are the best of them all."
Charm is deceptive and beauty disappears, but a woman who honours the LORD should be praised.
 Give her credit for all she does. She deserves the respect of everyone.

Isn't that beautiful?? Well that is what I am going to strive for this year. My Lord will guide me to become as He planned for me.

My scale was a bit ill yesterday so i could not get a accurate reading. this morning i got a new battery and fixed the scale, my weight is 91.7kg I am so close to breaking the 90 mark. Today is also measuring day  so here is the cm. lost.
Upper arm Diff neck dif Breast over Diff Waist over navel          Diff
11-12-12 32.00 0.00 39.00 0.00 108.50 0.00 108.00 0.00
20-12-12 32.00 0.00 38.00 1.00 108.50 0.00 104.80 3.20
26-12-12 31.50 0.50 37.00 1.00 108.00 0.50 103.00 1.80
01-01-13 31.50 0.00 36.50 0.50 107.00 1.00 102.50 0.50
08-01-13 31.50 0.00 36.50 0.00 106.50 0.50 103.00 (0.50)
              Hips           Diff        Bum          DiffUpper leg             Diff   Total cm
11-12-12 112.00 0.00 115.00 0.00 60.50 0.00 0.0
20-12-12 104.70 7.30 114.00 1.00 60.50 0.00 12.5
26-12-12 106.00 (1.30) 113.00 1.00 60.50 0.00 3.5
01-01-13 105.00 1.00 111.50 1.50 58.00 2.50 7.0
08-01-13 103.00 2.00 111.50 0.00 59.00 (1.00) 1.0

Today is also the day i complete my schedules  I need to get my act together. so a glass of Herbalife thermojetics tea and i am set to go.

Be blessed and healty

Saturday 5 January 2013

Day 5 - Iorn madness

Has anyone ever givin you a tablet and also explained the side egfects. I woke up in the middel of the night feeling like i was in a bad horror movie. Feeling nausious,right dow to the bone, but could not vomit. I forced myself to sleep again only to wake up this morning stil feeling the same.

While eating my breakfas on a stumach feeling like a tumble dryer spinning. I read the info page on the iorn tablets, whala the cause of me feeling very ill. I went back to bed waking up at 2:30pm half hour before lunch and feeling mutch better.

I weiged in at 92.7kg. Breakfast was 75g spinach and 1 egg with a nartjie (as in picture) lunch was 60g tomato, 60g cucumber, 4 provitas amd half orange. Supper was 100g cabage, 90g chicken and 20g onions with half an apple and 1 provita.

Sleeping most of the day interfered with me drinking what i should but managed to drink all and all 1.3l. I wil see tomorow if it was enough.

After taking a pamper bath in candle light and burning essence i still dont feel so well i hope my body gets use to the iorn suplememt fast. I hate feeling like i want to vomit but can't. I still haven't worked out a scedual to fit in everything but hope too soon. How ironic need to schedual a scedual. Wel tomorow is a big day for me i am off to bed i am starting a 7 day fast with my curch to pray amd fast for a few things. So this weeks posts wil be more like a fasting jurnal then a weightloss jurney.

Be blessed and healty.
Ps excuse the spelling as i can't spell to save my life. And my phone cant do spellcheck.

Friday 4 January 2013


7 Hours sleep, i feel bloated. I only jave myself to blame going to bed 1.20 am and not drinkinking my water as i should. This mornings weight was 93.4kg

Breakfast was at 9:20 1 egg, 50g cabagefried with 1 screded apple, 25g cucumber and 1 provita. Lunch was at 3 150g mango, 50g cabage, 50g baby marrow and 20g tomatoand 4 provitas. Supper was at 8 100g cabage, 90g chicken, 20g onion and 1tabelspoon mayo.

I drank 1l water, 1l tea and 359ml sweto. Not on goal but mutch better than the past 2 days.

I finaly finished the kids school stuf, marking atationary and covering books are not for sissies. Now both kids are ready to go back to school, i am so proud of them both. My babies are getting big.

I wanted to donate blood today but my iorn was low it was 11.9 and should be 12.5. So i got some tablets to help. Will see what it is tomorow maybe i can donate then.  Here is hoping for the best.

Till tomorrow. Be blessed and healty
Ps. Please excuse my spelling i cant spell to save my life and my phone can not do spell check.

Day 3

Ok so this morning i wake up 1kg havier, knew that not drinking my goal and thoese french fries would do that.I weigh 93.8kg.

Today i was in the streets again geting school kits for my kids. But this time i was good and did not eat anything on the road, but i did not manage my water i misplaced my tea so i don't know how mutch i drank there and i did not manage to finish even 1l water.

I ate breakfast at 11am 1 egg, 50g cabadge and 25g onions, with 125g mango.  And ate again at 7, 55g chees, 50g cabadge, 50g cauliflower, 20g tomato, 5 provitas and 1 nartjie. This was one yummy dish.

I did not do any exsercise as i was marking the school stuff still not done but i am off to bed, i seem to be cranky or something as i snaped alot today. Guess i am just a bit irritated, you know that feeling of doing everything and everyone around you does as they pleases. I could be over reacting but i doubt it.

I seem to be struggeling to get my time.managable do do everything i want to do so i think tomorrow i will be working out a scedual so that i can get to everything, maybe then i will be less cranky. ;-)

Here is to alot of blessings and health. Have a good one.
Ps. Forgive the spelling, as i cant spell to save my life and my phone cant spell check.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Second day failure.

As the heading say i failed horibaly today. I weiged in at 92.8. Ate a healty breakfast of a egg, 75g spinage, half an apple, fibre and herb tablets a detoxifier and vit b1 tablet.

I made my 500ml tea and filled my 1l bottel. But only drank about 200ml tea and 500ml water. Why under target. I am going to feel it tomorow.

We went shopping today and i went unprepared. Mistake number one. By the time it was lunch i was so hungry we got paninis and french fries (was yummy) and we wasged it down with some 7up coldrink.

When we got home we started to pack the stuf away and prosesing the vegies. By supper i was stil busy so hubby made sandwitches witg chees and tomato and gave me a I love you Ps choclate (just had to eat it)

Atleast we where in the shops about 5 hours walking so I must of burned some kcal. Today i waz just thankfull for the money God gave uss to be able to buy food even if it is expensive.

So tomorrow i wil wake up and start again. I do not at all feel guilty about today. Experts say stress and guilt acumilates on your stomach and hips.

Be blessed and stay healty.

Ps. Please excuse the spelling i cant spell to save my life and my phone does not do spelcheck.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Lets do this

Ok so its a new year and we are setting newyears reselution again. Wel this year I am calling it goals, maybe then I wil stick to it. For those who where following me, i am attemting to lose the rest of my weight this year and i am going to push it. This mornong my weight was 92.9 kg already lower than my last post. I wil be posting on a daily basis so that i can keep myself motivated and lose the 24kg stil left. I wil stil be using herbalife and zumba. So here is to being healty this year.

This year i turn 30 and i should realy get into shape. I heard the older you get the harder it gets. So i would rater be doing maintenance the rest of my life as to trying to get into shape.

Today i started my day of with Herbalife fiber and herb tablets and 500ml thermojetic tea with a rooibos tea bag in. Breakfast was a egg and 75g spinnage with 3 provitas and a orange, since my breakfas was late (11am) i only ate lunch at 4:30pm. 120g skinless chicken with 100g cabage coocked with 1 appel diced in and served with 2 provitas. So no supper as it will fall after 9pm. My water+ tea  intake for the day was 3l, 65ml under target. I also did 20 min Zumba and burned 156.6kcal.

I realy need to stay focused on the end result and need to get a suport chain going. Who knows maybe i can write a book one day. And help others lile myself. Till tomorow it was a blast of a first day for 2013.

Be blessed and be healty.