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Monday 2 July 2012

Lets start again

The last time I made an entry was on week 6/7 at a weight of 99.1kg on the 3rd of July. Today is almost a month later and I haven't been using my products as I should to make a point.

In the last month I have lost 2.5 kg eating normal and minimal exercises just to see if I will pick up the lost weight. Guess what I lost  more. Wow Herbalife is relay all it says to be. I knew that I just needed to prove it to some of my sceptic friends. 

Ok so I am changing my program so that I will enjoy it more and have a targeted trimming - the big blobby tummy - LOL I came across a book called Clean and lean Flat tummy fast. In there is a exercise routine to help flatten the tummy, and I am going to try it out.

So I will be doing the 10 Min flat stomach routine and the routine to restore the muscles after a c-section.
Everyday there is 10 Min stationary-bike. and either a Zumba routine or a Hip-hop abs routine or Tea-bo.

But for this week I will be detoxing (again) I have flue and I ate allot of junk food And as you know from a previous post That when you are ill it is almost imposable to lose weight. I will be using PROSIT and allot of water and also drink 5 ml of apple vinegar before meals - the apple vinegar neutralise the stomach acid so that digestion can take place faster.

I am also adding a celebration calendar, meaning for every 5kg lost I am going to celebrate with one or another treat, may it be food, pampering, outing what ever I feel I deserve. So here is to losing 28.5Kg still to go, And 16.5Kg already gone.

In the mean time I am using my Herbalife as follow:

Herbalife thermojectics tea  plus minus 1L a day
Herbalife Alo consentrated drink in the morning
Herbalife Fibre and herb 3 times a day
 Herbalife F1 shake 2 times a day 
Herbalife Lipo-bond With supper

To order your product or to find our more Contact me or visit My site today

So here is to my health and Hopefully a inspiration to your health as well.

Thursday 8 March 2012



Fantastic news! Herbalife's brand is in the news. See the latest Media coverage below. 

Fitness Mag
Herbalife launches performance sports supplement range in South Africa. Click here to read more in this issue of Fitness Magazine 01 March 2012
Oefen en Eet Hoe Gemaak? Click here to read more about this article in Rooirose 01 March 2012.
Herbalife has partnered with FC Barcelona and top athletes to create a sports-range of products and with SuperSport to raise the profile of healthy weight management and an active lifestyle. Follow this link for article.
sun flower girl
"The right nutrition=success" By Jodie Peter. Herbalife 24 media launch of special, high performance sprts range in SA. Click here  for article.

Win one of 3 authentic FC Barcelona Shirts signed by Lionel Messi (Competition Open to South Africa Only Draw Date 14 May 2012) Click here

For more info or to order your product contact me Click here or visit badrakamala

To your health

Tuesday 6 March 2012

My own Herbalife Chalange - Week 6 and 7

Did you know by being ill and full of toxins you stand no chance in losing weight???

I am no medical doter but as you know I have not been losing weight the last few weeks, I started with bronchitis, very ill one week feeling better the next and then ill the next week. Well I finally went to the Dr. last week and he gave me antibiotics and Vola 3 days later I am down 300 grams. 

I picked the weight up again the next day accompanied with a bad outbreak on my face - to my surprise I felt tired I then went and got a detoxifier- What do you know being ill had a build-up effect in my body and all toxins where keeping me from losing weight and stealing all my energy.

The ability of your body to process waste, including toxic waste, is a general factor in your ability to lose weight and reach a healthy goal weight. Struggling with this issue causes the body to activates back-up strategies for dealing with toxic overload that include increasing the number of fat cells and stuffing them with toxins as well as fat. This is likely done to get the toxic trash out of your circulation and away from major organs. It causes easy weight gain and it complicates weight loss as your body does not easily give up the toxic fat it has stored.

There are a many reasons toxins pose a challenge to weight loss. A person who has too many toxins to process will be making new fat cells and storing toxins along with fat in them. This is partly a form of self-defense against being poisoned, a secondary strategy to get toxins out of the circulation and away from major organs. This means that some people will not be able to lose any weight at all, regardless of how little they eat, until the problem is addressed.
It is clear that these toxins are released back into the circulation during weight loss. This is especially the case during substantial weight loss. During a weight loss of 12% of body weight toxins in the blood increased 23% - 51%, with the heaviest individuals releasing the most toxins. Over a one-year period of weight loss toxic exposure ranged up to a whopping 388%.  Scientists have shown that such toxins can interfere with thyroid hormone function during weight loss.  Human data shows that as the toxins go up in the blood during weight loss the levels of biologically active thyroid hormone (T3) go down. This data means that your plumbing and detoxification systems must be in good working condition for healthy weight loss – or possibly even to engage weight loss.
Toxins make you feel irritable. Many people report feeling “poisoned” at a certain point in their weight loss process. Such people will always feel better when they eat a lot of food, as the toxins are pulled out of their blood and placed back in fat – along with plenty of fat.  Most people with a little effort can readily lose the weight they have most recently gained. After that, I like to call it the toxic plateau. This means that detoxification strategies may need to be adjusted if weight loss slows too much or stops. In my clinical experience, the difficult to lose pounds are typically toxic fat. Strategies to improve detoxification often enable weight loss to proceed. While any overweight person who struggles to lose weight with a good diet and exercise has this problem to some degree, those who are the most overweight experience this issue to a greater degree. 
Individuals with chemical sensitivity issues are extremely challenged. Virtually all individuals with chemical sensitivity are hyper-inflamed, have lost physical strength and fitness, and are either overweight or underweight. Oddly enough, overweight is generally better than underweight, as at least the back up system of stuffing toxins into fat still works. Underweight people usually have excessive damage to their white adipose tissue and can’t store toxins in fat. This usually equates to more damage in their bodies from the toxins (including type 2 diabetes).  However, as the weight is lost and the toxins come back into the blood, it is like a fresh new chemical exposure with a reaction. Such individuals must optimize their vitamin D levels—keeping them in the upper 2/3 of normal range—while using anti-inflammatory nutrients like quercetin and grape seed extract to help lower the amount of chemical reactions that will otherwise derail progress.information from
I am now in the proses of detoxing with the help of Prosit and water and thermojetics tea. The Prosit contains Aloe forex, Ginger, Cayenne pepper, Liquorice powder an Garlic. and because of this there is no exercise for me I may have the go ahead next week.

In the mean time I am using my Herbalife as follow:

Herbalife thermojectics tea  plus minus 1L a day
Herbalife Alo consentrated drink in the morning
Herbalife Fibre and herb 3 times a day
 Herbalife F1 shake 2 times a day 
Herbalife Lipo-bond With supper

To order your product or to find our more Contact me or visit Badrakamala today

So here is to my health and Hopefully a inspiration to your health as well.

Monday 20 February 2012

My own Herbalife Chalange - Week 5

I feel like a emotional roller-coaster, I am shocked, happy, sad, I don't really know what to think or say about the past week. I have lost another 100g and only 1 cm overall. I guess that doesn't sound to bad, at least I haven't picked up. And not being 100% healthy I should be happy.

OK, so here is what happened. I only drank 1 shake a day (that I must point out is to maintain your weight not lose it) so there is mistake number one. and some nights I forgot to drink my evening tablets - mistake number 2

I only done 4 days exercise and not 6 - mistake number 3

  • Monday - None
  • Tuesday  -   Zumba cardio party & 10 Min Twist board - Time: 56.59 -  Calories burned:468.40
  • Wednesday -   Hip Hop Abs - Abs-sculpting & Min Twist board - Time: 26.51  -  Calories burned:223
  • Thursday -  Bellydance pure sweat & 10 Min skipping & 10 Min trampoline & 10 Min twist board & 17 Min cool down -  Time: 72  -  Calories burned:565
  • Friday -  Eerobics striptease DVD ( Carmen Electra irritated the living  ... out of me so I only done 20 Min and changed the whole seen) I added 20 Min Zumba express -   Time: 40  -  Calories burned:373
  • Saturday - None
  • Sunday - none

Here is this weeks planning 

Monday- 20-02-12 - Zumba sculpt and tone & 10 min Trampoline
Tuesday - 21-02-12 - Hip Hop Abs - Total body burn 
Wednesday - 22-02-12 - Earobics oz ztyle
Thursday - 23-02-12 - Fit to strip
Friday - 24-02-12 - Pussycat dolls
Saturday - 25-02-12 - Tea bo advanced 1
Sunday - 26-02-12 - Rest

This weeks results 

Here is my Herbalife program for the week

Herbalife thermojectics tea  plus minus 1L a day
Herbalife Alo consentrated drink in the morning
Herbalife Fibre and herb 3 times a day
 Herbalife F1 shake 2 times a day 
Herbalife Lipo-bond With supper

To order your product or to find our more Contact me or visit Badrakamala today

So here is to my health and Hopefully a inspiration to your health as well.

Monday 13 February 2012

My own Herbalife Chalange - Week 4

La-la-lala-la-la -la-la-la-la-la-la . 

The past week was a  not that bad. Yes I only lost 0.1kg but I lost  11.5 cm over all. not to bad for some one   that can't exercise due to illness. This week coming I am going to slowly start again . Yes my chest is still not 100% but I am tired of waiting. Remember last week I spoke about picking up weight  over the menstrual cycle . this is the second week and by nature I should be another 1kg heavier.  WHOOP WHOOP I am 0.1kg down.

I want to encourage people especially woman to not care to much what the scale is shouting at you. That monster can make life hell for you and then you don't see the bigger picture. Perhaps you want to lose 5kg and you try hard but don't lose it, you only think of is that figure on the scale, do you really look at yourself in the mirror, do you think AAAA the 5 kg fat was replaced by 5 kg muscle and I look good.

Even though you have 5kg fat and 5 kg muscle, there is a difference in volume fat is bigger and lumpier than muscle.

My weekly result 

My exercise plan for the week is the same as last week

Monday 6 Feb 2012 - Zumba cardio party & 10 min Twist board
Tuesday 7 Feb 2012 - Hip Hop Abs - absculpting & 10 min skipping rope & 10 min Twist board & 10 min trampoline
Wednesday 8 Feb 2012 - Bellydance pure sweat 
Thursday 9 Feb 2012 - Eerobics striptease dvd 
Friday 10 Feb 2012 - Pussy-cat dolls dance toutine dvd
Saturday 11 Feb 2012 - Tea-bo advanced 1

Here is my Herbalife program for the week

Herbalife thermojectics tea  plus minus 1L a day
Herbalife Alo consentrated drink in the morning
Herbalife Fibre and herb 3 times a day
 Herbalife F1 shake 2 times a day 
Herbalife Lipo-bond With supper

To order your product or to find our more Contact me or visit Badrakamala today

So here is to my health and Hopefully a inspiration to your health as well.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

My own Herbalife Chalange - Week 3

OK this was the worst week by far. instead of losing more kg's I go and pick one up. Not fare but it is normal to pick up weight if you are flat in bed with bronchitics and drinking cortisone to help you breath. And as a woman you have this thing called  menstrual cycle that makes a woman Retain more water. so for the last two weeks of the cycle I gain about 2Kg and lose it mediately when the cycle start again.

 - sorry to the men reading this blog but it should be known that we are a complex yet wonderful, amazing, and interesting species  

Here is my measurement for the past week 

so it was not all a lost case I lost at least 3.5cm overall.

If my health allows me this is my exercise plan for this week ( hilly doubt it as my chest is still wheezy)

Monday 6 Feb 2012 - Zumba cardio party & 10 min Twist board
Tuesday 7 Feb 2012 - Hip Hop Abs - absculpting & 10 min skipping rope & 10 min Twist board & 10 min trampoline
Wednesday 8 Feb 2012 - Bellydance pure sweat 
Thursday 9 Feb 2012 - Eerobics striptease dvd 
Friday 10 Feb 2012 - Pussy-cat dolls dance toutine dvd
Saturday 11 Feb 2012 - Tea-bo advanced 1

Here is my Herbalife program for the week

Herbalife thermojectics tea  plus minus 1L a day
Herbalife Alo consentrated drink in the morning
Herbalife Fibre and herb 3 times a day
 Herbalife F1 shake 2 times a day 
Herbalife Lipo-bond With supper

To order your product or to find our more Contact me or visit Badrakamala today

So here is to my health and Hopefully a inspiration to your health as well.

Monday 30 January 2012

The role of water in fat metabolism and weight loss

Incredible as it may seem, water is quite possibly the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off. Although most of us take it for granted, water may be the only true ’magic potion’ for permanent weight loss.
Water suppresses the appetite and helps the body metabolize stored fat. Studies have shown that a decrease in water intake will cause fat deposits to increase while an increase in water intake can actually reduce fat deposits.

Got To Fill These Kidneys

Here’s why. The kidneys cannot function properly without enough water. When they do not work to capacity, some of the load is dumped onto the liver. One of the liver’s primary functions is to metabolize stored fat into usable energy for the body. But if the liver has to do some of the kidney’s work, it cannot work at full throttle. As a result, it metabolizes less fat; more fat remains stored in the body and weight loss stops.

Shed Water With Water

Drinking enough water is the best treatment for fluid retention. When the body gets less water, it perceives this a threat to survival and begins to hold on to every drop. Water is stored in extra cellular spaces (outside the cell). This shows up as swollen feet, hands, and legs. Diuretics offer a temporary solution at best. They force out stored water along with some essential nutrients. Again, the body perceives a threat and will replace the lost water at the first opportunity. Thus, the condition quickly returns. The best way to overcome the problem of water retention is to give your body what it needs - plenty of water. Only then will stored water be released. If you have a constant problem with water retention, excess salt may be to blame. Your body will tolerate sodium only in certain concentrations. The more salt you eat, the more water your system retains to dilute it. But getting rid of unneeded salt is easy - just drink more water. As it is forced through the kidneys, it takes away excess sodium.
The overweight person needs more water than the thin one. Larger people have larger metabolic loads. Since we know that water is the key to fat metabolism, it follows that the overweight person needs more water. Water helps maintain proper muscle tone by giving muscles their natural ability to contract and by preventing dehydration. It also helps prevent the sagging skin that usually follows weight loss. Shrinking cells are buoyed by water which plumps the skin and leaves it clear, healthy and resilient.
Water helps rid the body of waste. During weight loss, the body has a lot more waste to get rid of - all that metabolized fat must be shed. Again, adequate water helps flush out the waste.

Water Relieves Constipation

Water can help relieve constipation. When the body gets to little water, it siphons what it needs from internal sources. The colon is one primary source. Result? Constipation. But, when a person drinks enough water, normal bowel function returns.
So far, we have discovered some remarkable truths about water and about weight loss. The body will not function properly without enough water and cannot metabolise stored fat efficiently. Retained water shows up as excess weight. To get rid of excess water you must drink more water. Drinking water is essential to weight loss. How much water is enough? On the average, a person should drink eight (250ml) glasses everyday. However, the overweight person needs one additional glass for every 12kg of excess weight. The amount that you drink should be increased if you exercise or if the weather is hot and dry. Water should preferably be cold - it is absorbed more quickly into the system than warm water. Some evidence suggests that drinking cold water can actually bum calories.
To utilize water most efficiently during weight loss, follow this schedule:

  • Morning: One litre consumed over a 30 minute period
  • Noon: One litre consumed over a thirty minute period
  • Evening: One litre consumed in the early evening between 5:00&8:00 PM.
When the body gets the water it needs to functions optimally, its fluids are perfectly balanced. When this happens, you have reached the "breakthrough point’. What does this mean? Endocrine gland function improves. Fluid retention is alleviated as stored water is lost. More fat is used as fuel because the liver is free to metabolize stored fat. Natural thirst returns. There is a loss of hunger almost over night. If you stop drinking enough water, your body Fluids will be thrown out of balance again and you may experience fluid retention, unexplained weight gain and loss of thirst. To remedy this situation you have to go back and force another breakthrough.

***This article was sent to me by my up line supervisor Louis Louw***

My own Herbalife Chalange - Week 2

The week passed was so messed up I cant believe I made it.

As you can see my weight is the same but I lost cm where expected and put on cm where expected with the  exercise I am doing.

The area I need to work on is my water intake water is very important and I am not yet reaching my goal. Please read my post on the role of water in fat metabolism and weight loss

Ok now for week 3 of my program. 
 (due to some constraints last week I am repeating week 1)

Monday - 30/01/2012 - Zumba cardio party
Tuesday - 31/01/2012 - Earobics oz style - Belly dance fitness
Wednesday - 1/02/2012 - Hip Hop Abs - Fat burning cardio
Thursday - 2/02/2012 - Jump rope Twist board Trampoliene 20 min  each
Friday - 3/02/2012 - Zumba sculpt and tone 
Saturday - 4/02/2012 - Belly dance pure sweat  And Hip Hop Abs - abs-sculpting
Sunday - 5/02/2012 - Rest and weigh

Here is my Herbalife program 

Herbalife thermojectics tea  plus minus 1L a day
Herbalife Alo consentrated drink in the morning
Herbalife Fibre and herb 3 times a day
 Herbalife F1 shake 2 times a day 
Herbalife Lipo-bond With supper

To order your product or to find our more Contact me or visit Badrakamala today

My heart rate/ calorie counter was ordered yesterday, hopefully I will receive it within 5 days.
Since I don't have a heart rate/ calorie counter monitor yet I will not be able to give that figures ..

So here is to a healty change and a new me.