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Wednesday, 28 November 2007

seleb cell mate

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When the going gets tough, you just get tougher. That's why your hard-nosed celebrity cellmate match is Michelle Rodriguez. Fights? Public showers? No Mr. Chow? No problem. You've got what it takes to tackle just about anything. Sure, you may get a little scared just like everyone else, but you're stronger inside and that's what counts.

Doing hard time might break some people, but we suspect you'll survive without breaking a sweat. Keep hangin' tough!

Friday, 23 November 2007

inbetween the moods

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Individuals who score high on enthusiasm tend to have a positive outlook on life in addition to high levels of energy. Enthusiasm is a highly charged state in which the individual feels excited, optimistic and energetic at the same time.

My Freudian report

The Freud Test

My Result: Toddler

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People whose unconscious struggles began when they were toddlers are said to be conflicted about what Freud called the Anal Period.

The Anal Period is the second stage of development. Even if you had difficulties during the Oral Period, you still moved beyond them and onto this second stage — though it's possible you had two sets of conflicts to contend with.

Freud's theory states that during the Anal Period you learn the pleasure you can experience by having control over your body, and, more specifically, by withholding or releasing your excrement. This stage marks the first time you can control something in your environment through your own will. Freud remarked that if your parents interfered with this process by trying to control when you defecated, a battle of wills may have ensued.

During the Anal Period, you began to learn the power of your own choices. What exactly you learned was dependent on your parents' behavior. For example, if your parents forced you to go to the bathroom on a predetermined schedule as dictated by some expert, a doctor, or just for their convenience, you probably learned that your bodily functions weren't as important as the convenience and needs of others.

On the other hand, if you were allowed to go to the bathroom more or less when you wanted to and weren't potty trained prematurely, it's likely that you moved through this stage with little strife.