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Wednesday, 28 November 2007

seleb cell mate

Take this test!

When the going gets tough, you just get tougher. That's why your hard-nosed celebrity cellmate match is Michelle Rodriguez. Fights? Public showers? No Mr. Chow? No problem. You've got what it takes to tackle just about anything. Sure, you may get a little scared just like everyone else, but you're stronger inside and that's what counts.

Doing hard time might break some people, but we suspect you'll survive without breaking a sweat. Keep hangin' tough!

Friday, 23 November 2007

inbetween the moods

Take this test!

Individuals who score high on enthusiasm tend to have a positive outlook on life in addition to high levels of energy. Enthusiasm is a highly charged state in which the individual feels excited, optimistic and energetic at the same time.

My Freudian report

The Freud Test

My Result: Toddler

Take this test!

People whose unconscious struggles began when they were toddlers are said to be conflicted about what Freud called the Anal Period.

The Anal Period is the second stage of development. Even if you had difficulties during the Oral Period, you still moved beyond them and onto this second stage — though it's possible you had two sets of conflicts to contend with.

Freud's theory states that during the Anal Period you learn the pleasure you can experience by having control over your body, and, more specifically, by withholding or releasing your excrement. This stage marks the first time you can control something in your environment through your own will. Freud remarked that if your parents interfered with this process by trying to control when you defecated, a battle of wills may have ensued.

During the Anal Period, you began to learn the power of your own choices. What exactly you learned was dependent on your parents' behavior. For example, if your parents forced you to go to the bathroom on a predetermined schedule as dictated by some expert, a doctor, or just for their convenience, you probably learned that your bodily functions weren't as important as the convenience and needs of others.

On the other hand, if you were allowed to go to the bathroom more or less when you wanted to and weren't potty trained prematurely, it's likely that you moved through this stage with little strife.

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Jun life E-news

Jun news letter

Welcome to the first edition of the life E-letter.
Virgin cosmetics have changed my life, and I do hope that I can help you in doing the same.(even if it is just by providing some helpful information. Please feel free to comment on anything on this news letter or anything you would like to see in the letter.

In this addition

Virgin cosmetic information - Product information - Skin Care – Vitamin C day cream
Health information – Stress test
The secret to the life information – Wake up and smell the success
Beauty tips - Eye magic
Direct sales information – Recruiting
Tip of the month – Headache relieve
Top ten products – Top 10
Promotions- July promo
Tips for men – Shaving issues, groom for the lady
Occasions – Congratulations to our lucky draw member

Virgin cosmetic information - Product information - Skin Care – Vitamin C day cream

Vitamin C Skin Fix Energising Day Cream 50ml
A daily dose of radiance for a glowing complexion. (With UV filters.)


Soline - sunflower extract To increase ceramides within your skin as and when your skin needs them. Reduces dryness, roughness and exfoliates the skin to give a brighter complexion.
West Indian cherry extract Rich in Vitamin C to boost collagen production add radiance and encourage skin renewal. Also provides anti-oxidant protection.
Vitamin E To help combat free radicals, moisturize and condition.
Hydractin™ A 3 part complex to energize, increase skin metabolism, boost collagen and improve elasticity. See glossary for full description of this ingredient.
UVA/UVB filtersProtects skin from damaging, age accelerating UVA and UVB rays.
Dermatologically tested

Smooth over your face after cleansing and toning.
· Use every morning with the rest of the Vitamin C range, for total skin satisfaction.

Health information – Stress test

This is a list of stressful events in your life which have different number values to show the pressure that it ads to your life. Sit back, take a moment, and review your life over the past year. Go through the following list, write down the value of the event and when you are done tally them up.

100 -Death of a spouse
73 -Divorce
36-Change to different line of work
37-Death of a close friend
65-Marital separation (or separation from any major intimate relationship)
63-Jail term
63-Death of a close family member
53-Personal injury or illness
44-Major change in health or behavior of a family member
47-Being fired from work
40-Sexual difficulties
45-Marital reconciliation
39-Gain of new family member thru birth, adoption, or remarriage
39-Business readjustment
38-Major change in finances
35-Increase in number of arguments with spouse
23-Trouble with boss/superior
31-Mortgage or loan for major purchase (i.e. home, etc.)
30-Foreclosure of mortgage or loan
29-Changes in responsibility at work
29-Son or daughter leaving home
28-Outstanding Personal Achievement
26-Spouse stops work outside of home
29-Trouble with in-laws
26-Going back to school
25-Change in living condition (rebuilding, remodeling)
20-Change in residence
20-Change in work hours or responsibilities
20-Change in school
24-Revision/change of personal habits
19-Change in recreational habits
19-Change in church/spiritual activities
18-Change in social activities
17-Purchase of major items (auto, computer, etc)
16-Change in sleeping habits
15-Change in number of family get-togethers
15-Change in eating habits
11-Minor violations of the law (e.g., traffic tickets, misdemeanors)

This scale shows the kind of life pressure that you are facing. Depending on your coping skills or the lack thereof, this scale can predict the likelihood that you will fall victim to a stress related illness. The illness could be mild - frequent tension headaches, acid indigestion, loss of sleep to very serious illness like ulcers, cancer, migraines and the like. A scale off 300 indicates a 90% chance and 150 a 45% chance of falling ill.

0-149: Low vulnerability to stress-related illness
150-299: Medium vulnerability to stress-related illness. Learn and practice relaxation and stress management skills and try and live a healthy well balanced life style.
300 and over: High vulnerability to stress-related illnessDaily practice of recreation skills is very important for your wellness. Take care of it now before a serious illness erupts or a suffering becomes worse.

You can also check your stress index at the following page

18 Tips to help you deal with Stress and Tension
Our bodies react to situations that intimidate us through stress and tension. Such threats can come from accidents, financial troubles and problems on the job or with family.
Dealing with these situations and the way we do it, depends a lot on our mental, emotional and physical health.
The next 18 points are suggestions to managing the stress in your life.
Recognize your symptoms of stress, don’t ignore them.
Have a look at your life and see if there is something you can do to improve your life style -- in your work situation, your family situation, or your schedule

Use relaxation techniques - yoga, meditation, deep breathing, or massage, anything that makes you feel relaxed can work to.
Exercise – Physical exercise is a antidepressant and is a powerful way off de-stressing!
Time management – Plan your day and follow what you have planned. If something pops up don’t worry there is always a way of fitting it in. use a to-do list and prioritize your activities. Or use a diary.
Watch your diet - Alcohol, caffeine, sugar, fats and tobacco all put a strain on your body's ability to cope with stress. It affects your body’s ability to cope naturally and thus placing it under stress to keep homeostasis going.
Get enough rest and sleep-Your body and mind needs a time-out too.
Talk with others - Talk with anybody you feel comfortable with and trust.
Help others – Feeling good over a project or just helping a old lay across the street can be a good way to feel good and feeling good about yourself can lessen stress too.
Get away for awhile - Read a book, watch a movie, play a game, listen to music or go on vacation. Leave yourself some time that's just for you. Me time is important for you to get things in order.
Work off your anger – instead of working yourself up and causing more stress. Take that energy and take it out on something physical you meant to do. Like gardening, spring cleaning, go play tennis. Getting angry makes the adrenalin pump and adrenalin gives physical energy, so do something to get rid of that energy that is also de-stressing.
Give in occasionally - Avoid quarrels whenever possible, no matter how wrong the other person is just turn around and walk away.
Tackle one thing at a time - Don't try to do too much at once, you are only human not even a computer can do 100 things at once.
Don't try to be perfect, the saying no one is perfect is true we can only learn by trail and error.
Ease up on criticism of others, who are they in anyway. Criticism is healthy just don’t take it too seriously as long as you feel right about it, other peoples opinion don’t really count.
Don't be too competitive, competition is bad for stress levels rather work together to achieve a better result. There is in any case always someone better then you.
Make the first move to be friendly, they say a smile is contagious, You can not help being friendly to someone who is friendly to you.
Have some fun!! Laugh and be with people you enjoy! If you are happy and positive life can be a play park.

The secret to the life information – Wake up and smell the success

Wake up; Stop hitting snooze on your life alarm clock, the more you snooze the more the life you could be living is passing you by.Every day you wish and hope and have senseless dreams of things that could be better and the things your heart desires. But doing so you are deliberately, brining about your own unhappiness and dissatisfaction.

We are all under the impression that the people living the lives they want are lucky or have fallen into riches. We can all create our own reality. The few who have made it woke up when their alarm clocks went off, they have gained the knowledge....manifesting whatever it is they want in their life with seemingly no effort! The problem with you is that we are "deserted” by society throughout your whole live, thinking the way you do things is the norm. The people in your live that you look up to keep on telling you that dreams cant come true, or manifesting them into reality is only a fantasy or fiction.

Science insists that this is a fact and there is also living proof. This is really not so difficult to understand, it will even make sense to the skeptical.i) Everything in the Universe is made of energy, including us humans. Even our thoughts are in energy form.ii) Because everything is energy, everything is connected. iii) The Universe creates with no effort and in great quantity. Quantity you say, look at nature. Millions of trees, rocks and plants, this was all made without any stress or effort. iv) Through the energy of thought we are part of the universe, having the ability to manifest everything we see. I can’t do it, is this your first respond, well that is what is stopping you, your believe system.Every situation in your live was manifested by you alone. It is your thoughts that made the energy turn to reality. What you see as reality it is nothing more then a agreement between you and yourself.
This is how you reality has been shaped. This is how we have learned what is possible, and what is impossible. We follow the limiting belief system of other individuals that they believe to be.
The difference between the ones cruising through life getting everything they want with no or little afford, and the ones working at jobs they hate thinking this is the responsible thing to do and wishing and reaming their lives away. Is we know what our purpose is, we know why we just have to fulfill that purpose and wont stop till it is done. We haven’t dumped “responsibility”. We are only living our lives that we want and following what our passions are. You see it is our PASSIONS in life that tell us precisely what we are to do. When we follow our passions; that is when our life lights up. The energy we give out is so powerful that we attract what we desire should it be people, money objects, you name it... as long as it is inline with us. The Universe WANTS to provide those things we want most. It is only our own limiting belief systems that stop fulfillment from occurring.

Beauty tips - Eye magic

It doesn’t mater the shape and color of your eyes, they are still the windows to you soul. Eyes give away your emotions and can exercise a special power of seduction, by gazing in another’s direction. Communication takes place through eyes, by winking or rolling one’s eyes the other person will know exactly what you mean.

Eyes also key into flirtation a great deal. Cartoons and old movies always show the femme fatales batting their long, dark eyelashes in an attempt to attract the men.
No matter what your motives, playing up the looks of your eyes will bring a natural definition to your facial features while accentuating perhaps the most distinguishing characteristic on your visage. The main makeup components you may want to consider when dressing up your pretty peepers are mascara – Dreamy long lashes, eye shadow and possibly eyeliner, though sometimes pressed powder or a light foundation will work wonders for circles under the eyes, a concealer works best.

Eye Shadow
Depending on the look you wish to go for and the products you want to use, you can get very creative with the wide selection of products for eyelids. You can accessorize your eyes with a beautiful array of powders - see Virgin cosmetics twin-set eye shadows, creams and glittery dustings. Eye shadow powders are very easy to use with small applicator brushes with foam pads.
The less you put on cream-based eye on the better it looks, less is really more. The cream shadows are applied across the lid, reaching up to your brows if you wish.
Virgin has 6 colors available, Heavens above- a baby blue, gold digger – a rich bronze, ice maiden – a gold color, pink radiance –the name seas it all, a soft suede and a lilac forest

In my own opinion there is only one type of mascara on the market. Virgin’s Dream lashes. A mascara, to give that false-lash illusion. The double sided mascara with the white and black.
Generally, applying two coats of mascara will give enough definition to lashes to really make a difference. Allow the first coat to dry before applying the second in an effort to prevent clumping. If some of the mascara accidentally brushes onto your eyelids or underneath, simply use a q-tip to remove it. This may necessitate touching up your eye shadow a bit. It helps to apply the mascara at the bottom of the lashes and using a lash style tool to separate them to give them the wide sexy look.
When using a curling tool you can whet your lashes with hot water to make them more vulnerable to curl. We sometimes forget about the lashes in the corners of our eyes so make sure that you color them to.
Tinting your lashes is obviously another option to having a more ‘permanent’ look for a few weeks

To really define your eyes, apply a thin line of eyeliner in black or brown, khaki, plum or navy. To properly apply the eyeliner pencil or liquid liner, gently pull the corner of your eye outward, forming a straight line along your lashes. Starting at the inside corner and working toward the outside, delicately trace a line with the pencil angled toward your lashes.
Be careful how much eyeliner you apply, as a little really does go a long way. For a dramatic look, thicker and darker is very acceptable. For a subtle definition, stick with a lighter application.

Every shape of eyes can also be enhanced by the way the liner is applied.
Almond shape: Line the entire lash and use powder shadow to line the bottom lashes the whole way across
Asian shape: Line the entire lower lash and only one third of the top lash line
Small: To create a illusion of bigger eyes, line the inner rim of the lower lid with a white or light tone pencil.
Round: to elongate this shape, line the top and bottom lashes only two thirds of the way. The line should be thicker at the corner and should turn up at the end
Close-set: to make the eyes look wider apart, use a dark liner on the outer quarter of the top and bottom lashes and add mascara to the outer lashes only
Wide-set: Here you apply the opposite of the close-set. Line the inner corner of the eye with a lighter tone pencil.
* * * *
Experiment with a bunch of different Looks until you find the ones that suit you best. Virgin cosmetics have a wide array of makeup you can test before you buy so that you know what you are getting for the money… Doing a home makeover can be fun, and a good form of much-needed stress relief. For best results, invite some girlfriends over and make a night of it! You can have a virgin make-over get together.

Direct sales information – Recruiting A letter sent to us by our queen B


Developing new contacts all the time can lead to some wonderful opportunities – new contacts means leads into charity events, corporate business, moms and tots groups, book clubs - to name but a few.

Host a guest evening or a customer morning – you need to invite as many as possible to come and take a look at the business - who can you invite?

Remember that selling and recruiting go hand in hand. Approach every sales opportunity as a recruiting opportunity – invite everyone to take a look at the business and offer them the four choices of how to benefit from our wonderful products – Consultant, Hostess, Angel or Customer!

Who do you know? Ask everyone when you are out and about to help you.

Parties can really generate additional outside business – if you highlight the service you can offer! Promote your fundraising activities and ask guests if they’re would like to get involved by becoming a consultant or hosting a party. Highlight on the Bookings Generator Form to ask where they work – this may give you a warm lead into a local company to hold a lunchtime display.

Creating Outside Opportunities
There are many different areas and groups you can contact to offer your service and to meet potential Consultants, here are just a few:

Ladies’ groups (golf clubs, breakfast clubs), Schools – PTA, Moms and Tots groups, Beauty Schools, Offices and factories, Retirement homes

Where do you find out about these groups?
Local papers, Church and community magazines, Posters in shop windows/notice boards advertising events , At your local Information Centre, Directory of Events in local libraries – libraries also have lists of toddler groups/nurseries in the area, Yellow Pages

Making Contact
There are two options when making the initial contact with these groups:

Option 1
Call in person to introduce yourself and explain the service you offer i.e. to set up a display at a Nursery School etc. Always have literature with you and NEVER FORGET your diary.

Option 2
Telephone the contact to offer your support – ask if you could call to show them our catalogue and some products. They may wish to have information sent to them, in which case you could send a letter along with a catalogue.

Tip of the month – Headache relieve

There is nothing as mentally exhausting as a headache. It affects our whole life, physically and mentally.
Headaches are of 3 different types, due to migraine, sinus and tension. Now these headaches are very different but they do affect the same part that is the head in general. So if we understand more about them we can reach an interesting conclusion. Headaches are largely preventable, like they say prevention is better than cure, Isn’t it better to be proactive than reactive?

FACT: Headaches Affect Nearly 90% of Men and 95% of Women

Migraine Headaches

A migraine is a splitting headache that just seems to set in apparently due to no reason at all. The reasons for a migraine are mainly vascular. To put it in simpler terms, there are certain changes in the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain triggering the pain.
One peculiar feature of a migraine is that it usually starts in childhood or adolescence and is most common in young and middle-aged adults.
Migraines do not discriminate, they have nothing to do with a person’s background, upbringing, or social class and it seems to stop as you get older. (So it is said)

Once the pain of a migraine sets in, it is sheer agony. It is almost as if one side of your head is being ripped off. There is very little a person can do to stop this pain. I find putting a pillow over your head as if you want to suffocate yourself works, but that is only me.
The good thing about a migraine is that it is transient, that is the pain will go away after sometime. This usually happens after the person gets a few hours of sound sleep. But the worst thing about migraines is that they recur. But migraines too can be prevented to a very large extent.

There are two main types of migraine, the classic migraine and the common migraine.

Both the classic and the common kind can occur as often as several times a week or as rarely as once every few years.
Both types can occur at any time. But for some people at least, it is possible to predict the occurrence of the migraine. For example there is a greater tendency for a migraine near the days of menstruation or every Saturday morning after a stressful week of work.
Stress is one of the major factors that can contribute to the onset of a migraine. Anger can trigger of a migraine as well. Both physical and mental fatigue can lead to a migraine.
Sinus Headaches
Sinus problems, too, give rise to headaches. The sinuses are small spaces in the facial bones just below the facial skin. The spaces are concentrated in the nasal region, temples and around the eyes. Sometimes, due to infection, these spaces get inflamed with mucus and infected as well.
This leads to the headache that is the result of sinusitis. There are many causes for sinusitis which are allergy, a deviated nasal septum, and severe cold, enlarged parts in side the nose, and acute ongoing infection.
Tension Headaches
Tension headaches are also common in many people. Stress and anxiety are causes for tension headaches. The moment such a person gets tense about something; the person develops a tension headache. Insufficient sleep, anxiety, problems, and worries give rise to the tension headache.

20 Headache Relief Tips
Now matter the cause or type of headache most of them can be prevented.
1. Do not read when you are lying down. The lying down posture is not the best position to read.

2. If you must read, prop up your head with at least two pillows. Pillows give support to your head and neck so that your head is in a partially raised position. This will cause less harm to your eyes and your head in general.

3. The lighting of your room too is very important. A properly lighted room is what is required if you want to read, do needle work or any other such fine activity.

4. The source of light should not come in front of your eyes but must be behind your head. This is also true in the case of a computer as well. The source of light should be from behind.

5. Do not hold the book too close to your eyes. This is some thing that happens when you lei down to read. Your eye muscles have to strain a lot in order to focus on nearer objects.

6. Do not hold it too far away either. Remember to keep it at chest level.

7.. If you find yourself squinting or your eyes watering while you read or do any fine work, then you might need glasses. Faulty vision is a major cause of headaches.

8. If the print of the book is too faint, or if the font size is too small, just toss away the book.

9. Do not read in moving vehicles. Many people try to read while traveling by car to kill time.
However, curves and bumps in the road can cause headaches and even motion sickness.

10. The light from your T.V or P.C monitor is not enough to read. This light is not enough for your eyes to pick out what is printed, and should be combined with lamplight or overhead light.

11. Crying is not good for a headache. If you feel you might start crying, try breathing deeply, or try to lie down and fall asleep. Some situations are unavoidable, but some, like sad movies, are easy to avoid.

12. Do not skip meals and go about hungry. Eat at fixed times. Hunger is the worst enemy of a person who is prone to migraine attacks

13. If you have a sinus problem, blow your nose often. Blowing your nose helps to get rid of the mucus that accumulates in the sinuses.

14. It is also a good idea to water rinse your nose. This is a very effective way of clearing your sinuses and saving your self from a bout of dust allergy as well.

15. If you have an allergic condition like a dust allergy, try and stay away from dust as it can trigger of the sinus infection. Make sure you change your air filters regularly, and consider buying special filters for people with dust allergies. Even a centralized air conditioner or air purifier can help in the house.

16. If you find it impossible to stay away from dust at least wear a gas mask in places of work or where ever suitable.

17. Foods containing monosodium glutamate and caffeine are bad. They too can start a migraine.
18. Fermented and pickled food can be bad, especially if you suffer from frequent headaches.

19. Contraceptive pills can trigger headaches because these pills actually interfere with the hormonal functioning in the body. (Then again, last time we checked, screaming babies trigger headaches as well.). Raters try and chance the brand or consult a dr. there should be one that can help you.

20. Maintain a headache diary. This is something that every one who suffers from headaches should do.The person should closely monitor himself or herself. The factors that person should take into account are food and beverage intake, weather conditions, stress and menstrual cycles.
When you have identified the major causes of your headaches you can try and avoid them as far as possible. Knowing what triggers your headaches can be a big prevention.

This exercise will help you find out if there are definite causes.

7 tips to avoid hangover headache.

The hangover headache is usually the result of dehydration so if you increase your intake of water, you can keep a hangover headache at bay. Water also helps with the nausea.
Dilute your drink with water instead of soda.
Never start drinking on an empty stomach. This is just dumb, you get drunk fast.
Drink a glass of milk one or two hours before you leave for the party. (I know this sounds silly but it works.)
Munch on snacks while you are drinking. (it also keeps you from getting to drunk)
Cheese is good to prevent a hangover headache.
For ever ounce of alcohol that you consume, make it a point to consume a glass of plain water.

Top ten products – Top 10

1. Day spa step it up cooling foot fizz
2. Stop the clock anti wrinkle eye treatment
3. Stop the clock anti aging day cream
4. Drift away bathing soak
5. Day spa hand scrub
6. Day spa safe hands balm
7. Fantasia bewitched bath crème 500ml
8. Above and beyond eye treatment serum 10ml
9. Fantasia bewitched color collection – Limited addition
10. License to thrill duo- ms penny gold

Promotions- July promo See

Tips for men – Shaving issues, groom for the lady


2 Generations ago ladies where attracted to men with hair all over. Today that is the one thing ladies don’t wan t- infect we don’t trust men that are hairy; to use an example men with beards are just scary looking. And too kiss a man with facial hair is just not nice.
Therefore you need to groom!Trim and remove wild hairs on your brow; comb sideburns if you have them and always ensure you are cleanly shaven. The stubble look is Out of fashion along time ago, you look dirty.

How to Avoid Razor Cuts and Shaver Burns
One of the perils of shaving your face is getting burns or nicks from the razor.
First, always ensure that your blade is suitably sharp.
Only apply the pressure you need.
Use cold water rather than warm when removing the cream.
Dry your face well.
Use a moisturizing lotion over the area where you shaved once finished - this will help soothe the skin.
Try to use a new or clean razor
You can use aftershave to reduce Shaver Burns

How to Have a Close Shave
If you shave manually, then you can get a slightly closer shave by adjusting the blade that you use. A razor that has two blades will tend to give you a closer shave than one which has just the one blade. However there is a trade off - it is likely that the double blade approach may cause a bit more skin irritation and therefore you should weigh up which is best for you. There is also a 5 blade razor from Gellet that works great. It has a more even spacing reducing the pressure you need to put on the blade and it helps to reduces razor Cuts. Try it and let me know.

How to Shave Correctly
Shaving is a great way of keeping your skin healthy, as well as looking good - a clean shave makes you look in good condition and can take years off you, too.Shave with downward strokes - these are easier to control - and use a gentle pressure. Ensure the razor does not clog.

Clean your razor after you have done, this can help the blade to last longer. Then you can dip the blade in a little mineral oil, and then wash it off. This oil mitigates the process that dulls the edges and can help prolong the life of the razor too.

Occasions – Congratulations to our lucky draw member

I want to thank each and every one who has referred some more people to the news letter and helped this site and newsletter to become so popular in such a short time.

I would like to know what you think and what you would like to see in this newsletter as well as topics on the blog.

Keep referring you could be the next winner.

Congratulations to Your Vitamin c Body scrub is on its way.

Wednesday, 27 June 2007


Post your ideas, comments, basicaly anything to do with the first edition of life E-letter here

Benoit Tragedy-a shocker

I know I am late with this news but I only found out a few hours ago.

One of WWE’s great wrestlers Chris Benoit(30) is dead.

He murdered his wife and his son, and then hanged himself. I can’t find any place that could give me motive, only where and how’s. Chris’s wife Nancy was asphyxiated and found in a home office. Daniel(7) was found in his bedroom smothered by a bag. And Benoit was found in the weight room, hung by a pulley on an exercise machine.

WWE said that there was no illegal drugs or steroids involved.

The physical evidence found stated that this was a deliberate act, not rage. The evidence being the time laps between the murder of Nancy and that of Daniel being Nancy was killed on Friday, Daniel on Saturday, and Benoit killed himself late Saturday or early Sunday.

It is said that co-workers got very worried after speaking to Chris the day before and receiving the following text messages from Chris the day after .

Text Message 1
Sent to: Two Co-Workers (the same who had verbal correspondence with Benoit the day before)From: Benoit’s cell phone
When: 6/24 at 3:53am from
Message: C, S. My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215

Text Message 2
Sent to: Two Co-Workers (the same who had verbal correspondence with Benoit the day before)From: Benoit’s cell phone
When: 6/24 at 3:53am
Message: The dogs are in the enclosed pool area. Garage side door is open

Text Message 3
Sent to: Two Co-Workers (the same who had verbal correspondence with Benoit the day before)From: Nancy Benoit’s cell phone
When: 6/24 at 3:54am
Message: C, S. My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215

Text Message 4
Sent to: Two Co-Workers (the same who had verbal correspondence with Benoit the day before)From: Nancy Benoit’s cell phone
When: 6/24 at 3:55am
Message: C, S. My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215

Text Message 5
Sent to: A Co-Worker who consistently traveled with Benoit
From: Nancy Benoit’s cell phone
When: 6/24 at 3:58am
Message: My address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215

WWE was notified of text messages sent to the two co-workers the following day (Monday), Whereby they contacted the Fayetteville County Sheriff’s office and requested them to go to Benoit’s residenceAt about 4:00pm WWE received a call from the Fayetteville County Sheriff’s office, advising that they entered the house of Benoit and found 3 deceased bodies (a male, a female and a child).

It was said that Daniel Benoit had a genetic condition called Fragile X syndrome.
"Fragile X Syndrome is a defect of the X chromosome which causes mild mental retardation. The disorder occurs more frequently and severely among males than females. This condition is the leading known familial cause of mental retardation in the United States. Language delays, behavioral problems, autism or autistic-like behavior (including poor eye contact and hand-flapping), enlarged external genitalia (macroorchidism), large or prominent ears, hyperactivity, delayed motor development and/or poor sensory skills are among the wide range of symptoms associated with this disorder."

This makes me wonder if this could be a motive, perhaps he couldn’t handle the whole incident?

I also found out something very shocking that I never new about Chris, Apparently he was a violent man, has posted the court documents of Nancy Benoit's 2003 request for a restraining order against Chris Benoit as well as custody of Daniel Benoit. Here is the link: Shocking!!!!!

This is all very disturbing for me. First Eddie, now Chris. Perhaps there is something that should be investigated in the WWE. I know they where “actors” but still you come to love them and you think you know them, then bam something like this happens. What could lead a man to kill his wife and child?

This will always be a mystery. Still Benoit was a great wrestler and will not be forgotten.

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Free add site is a site where u can place a add and your link for free.
If you are trying to promote something on the internet you need lots of targeted, fresh prospects for your business. That is what the Lead Club provides for you.

I have joined them. Go and have a look

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Viral tags

This is for blog owners. Copy and paste the following and follow the instructions. this is a good way of bilding links to and from your blog. The attached viral liks realy covers all aspects of life.

Try it you have nothing to lose. Just remember to update your own list regulary.

========= Copy and Paste below this line ==========

1.) Copy and paste the matrix of “ViralTags” below courtesy of Founders Cafe (to support Jimmy’s quest of launching his own Internet Startup with a shoestring budget, please consider subscribing to his Full RSS Feed to see his triumps and struggles in real time).
2.) Substitute the Host Tag and one of the “Viral Tags” in the matrix with your anchor text of choice with your blog’s URL. Please keep anchor text to a max of 3 words to keep the matrix size manageable.
3.) When you get a ping back from someone that has your link in one of their “Viral Tags”, practice good karma by copying his/her Host Tag’s anchor text (automatically the associated link will also be copied) and paste it over one of your “Viral Tags” below.
4.) Encourage and invite your readers to do the same and soon this can grow virally.

Host Tag: Enything on life

International City Travel Asian Celebrity News ~One Million Shirts ~Tech at Hand ~Rich Minx Internet Marketing Austria Ageless Beauty ~Web 2.0 Tutorials ~Technology Music Life ~infokarir jobs Manila Mom ~Link Love Blogging Money Secret ~Internet Startup Blog ~Web Design Blog ~Daily Life Technology ~Make Money Blogging ~Steve’s Tech Blog Agloco Internet Marketing ~Daily Bulls Investing ~Tech Gadgets Stocks ~Affiliate Program~ Computer Seventy-Five~Learn about e-Learning~ Tech Hack Ramblings ~Jack Book ~Screen Writer Guy~ Overseas Filipino Worker~ Startup Entrepreneur Money~ Earn Money Online ~Really Smart Guy ~Earn Income Online~ Day Mind Xpression ~Entrepreneurship Internet Web ~Make Money Blogging~ Create a Blog~ Pie Hole ~start a blog~ Make Money Blogging~ Marketing Made Simple ~Tech Startups Web2.0 ~Music Videos ~Build Rankings Fast~ Mrs Sparrow ~Hot Buzz~ Weight Loss~ Really Funny Jokes ~Best of Blogs~ Heroin Addiction~ Codependence~ Internet Marketing German ~German - USA~ Domain Development Blogs~ Sundhed og Helbred~ Giving Link Love Business Blog Web ~Photoshop Tutorials~ Anitokid~ Chronikos~ Klapkids Chronikos~ esofthub’s web finds~ Everything iPod ~Jason’s Random Thoughts~ Fun Web Development ~Monetize Your Blog~ Yung Silent Whisper ~Stratz’s Blog~ My Journey ~Blogging for Money~ Wealth Blog~ Gadgets & Technology ~Make Money Home~ The Broken Bow~ Fanatic Space ~Cheezmizan with Chuva~ Catepol~ Wolly’s Weblog~ Profitable Productive Blogging ~Cat on my Head ~Bloggointestinale~ 2012 Movies ~iMod ~Lorad Zarcon ~Instruzioni~Sid05 Weblog ~Bayle ~Random Access Life~ Mario’s Weblog~ Acchiappasogni~ Dietro e a Casa~ Make Money Online~ Anchor Text~ Alex 2000 ~My Life~ Personal Finance~ Tech Blog Business Twins ~Pixie Tail ~Gold Rushing’s Blog ~Trade CDs ~Business Chats~ Paid to Blog Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery~ Make Money Online JLS Cisco Networking~ Humor Jokes ~Mik3~ Web2.0 Founder Interviews ~Political Social Media Master Engrafter ~Making Money Online~ GoldyWorld Fun~ Static Thinkbox~ Malaysian Stocks Inc. ~Investing Women Online~ Nihal Anything Everything ~Father of One ~Web Comic Artist~ Justice Investmets~ Terrible Horrible Evil~ Russian Jokes Videos ~Personal Development Blog~ The Beginning ~Jolly Green Girl ~Diet & Weight Loss ~The Next Corner ~Bloggers Journey~ Key West or Bus On the WebEd~ Vi-Su ~Reviews and Previews ~Andy Coates Daily Bulls Ramblings Internet Business Blog~ Startup Entrepreneur Money~ Billiards~ The Broken Bow ~KLAPKiDS ~Esofthub’s Web Finds ~wotZcool ~Overseas Filipino Worker ~Tech Gadgets Stocks Monetize Your Blog ~Job and Career ~Calvin Harvey Newsome Blackyard Technologies~ Inner 88~ Link Love ~Blog in My Soup Jason’s Random Thoughts Pixie Tail Reyna Elena ~Earn Money Online Hanneng ~Woman: God’s Masterpiece Controversy ~Entrepreneurship Internet Web ~Alex2000~ Blend ~Sciura Pina ~Cat on my Head Dietro e la Casa ~Gold Rush Tech Startups Web2.0 ~Mario’s Weblog ~Make Money Online Plugins TV Blogging Marco Bonomo Cman’s Money Page Random Access Life~ Really Funny Jokes ~Patrick Curl ~Wolly Weblog~ Internet Marketing German Stratz’s Blog ~Zarcone ~2012 Movies ~Techcast Weekly~ Business Blog Web~ Samuel Silva ~The Junky’s Wife ~il blog di iMod Mrs. Sparrow Tech Fun This n That Blog Plus Ultra Money Tips Blogozine Cool Websites JackBook~ BetShop Boy ~BMoneySavvy~ My Life ~Catepol ~Wissen BelastetAdam OK ~Yaab Bloggo Intestinale ~Fanatic Space ~Crispnetworks T~elemac~ Hoobin ~Adzine for Marketees Horeki ~Manila Mom~ Earn Global Online Philippine Trip Ageless Beautiy~ Cafe Romanza ~Maia Jose ~Dogs, Pigs, Family Credit Ability ~Hot Buzz Hot Bizz ~Mom’s Veranda ~Chuva LunaTail ~Blog dela TV ~Andy Dang~ BioHazard Gaming ~Rich Minx ~Steve’s Tech Blog ~How to Make Money Online~ Jake Daily ~Todo Musika ~Really Smart Guy ~7 Confessions John M. Justice ~Make Extra Money~ Filipino Programmers ~Orient Lodge ~Foximus~ Static Thinkbox Stealing Cameos from the Web ~Photoshop Tutorials~ Computer-75 ~Super Blogging ~Thomas’ Off-the-Cuffs Blog ~Linkrambler ~La Jungla Sonora~ Tech-Hack-Gadget ~Jackbook~ Blog it out ~BMW-M-Power~ Affiliate Watcher ~Cash Money Blogging ~Life Disguised in Humor ~JLS Cisco Networking~ MMMiii~ Book Project ~Mik3 ~Wampago ~Aopletal ~Opinioni in LibertaBusiness Chats ~WCB Digest~ That’s What She Said~ Gay Christians ~Goldy World ~Ryan Shamus ~Miraz Tutorials~ Islam for Me ~Studs-Cash-Page ~Mariuca~ Munny 4 Hunny ~First Time Dad Dating in Your 40s ~The Bookshelf ~Russian Jokes ~Sha Money Maker ~No Heat ~Dinosaurs ~Bulletproof Harpist ~Debt Quit ~Weight Loss ~Political Personal Humorous ~Gold Rushin’ blog~ Maryannaville~ cosmetics $ live E-litter~ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags Viral Tags Viral Tags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags

Important: Once I get a ping back from you (I promise to do the best I can), I will add your anchor text and the associated link you designate as “Host Tag” here, replacing one of the “ViralTags” from the matrix above. As more and more bloggers copy and paste this matrix, the more backlinks you will have with your anchor text. If everybody who copy and paste from your blog does the same, pretty soon this will spread and go viral. So, the sooner you participate, the more links with anchor text you will receive.
======== Copy and Paste from Above this line ========

Friday, 1 June 2007

Today's thought

The big news on everybody’s minds is the public service strike.

Well I work for the government and I want more then 12% increase or better benefits.
What is 12%. With the inflation and interest and petrol hikes that is nothing. How do we survive? These days we only work for the roofs over our heads and for petrol to be able to go to work to pay for the roofs over our heads. This is ridicules.

Life has become a struggle, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Somewhere somebody has to help, if only we knew who that person is.

For now we only have to trust our higher power that He will help us and that He has a plan for us.

cosmetic cooler

While playing on the internet I discovered a cool accessory that I think we should have. Called the cosmetic cooler. Little coolers that are small enough to be placed on a makeup table, but big enough to hold even a professional's full complement of products and supplies. Protecting your cosmetics from heat and germs. I can’t wait for it to be imported to South Africa.

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

My thoughts

30/05/2007 -

After 3 days of working on this site to get everything looking profesional and working probably, I finaly done it. This is one thing that the secret has touht me, alway keep a happy and positive thought on life and all will be yours. I must admit I was on the nerve of Stripping my behind and just to let the whole thing slide....

What a mistake that would of been.

I do hope you like the site and that we can have long chats on this blog remember you can comment in the your life post and ask q's in the ask post.

Chat soon

Monday, 28 May 2007

Ask Chantell Questions

In this section You can ask me anyting and i will do my best to answer. If i don't know I will find out.

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Your Life

Hi welcome to My blog. In this posting I will post articles and intresting facts. Feel free to Comment on anything.